Mike Rafferty

Profile Updated: September 24, 2010
Residing In: Atlanta, GA USA
Spouse/Partner: Kathleen Toomey
Occupation: Physician
Children: 2 dogs
Yes! Attending Reunion

I graduated from Amherst College and Boston University School of Medicine, residency-trained in DC, and worked for a while in Alaska, San Francisco, and the former USSR. I now work at Grady Hospital in Atlanta, where where my wife and I moved (from San Francisco, don't ask why) 20 years ago.

I went off to boarding school in '67 so I didn't graduate with you, but I still remember many ELHS friends fondly.

School Story:

I was fortunate to go to a bunch of great schools but I always remember the wonderful teachers I had in East Longmeadow - Denise Humberston. Jim Ahearn, Robert Troutman, and many others.

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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:53 AM