East Longmeadow High School
Class of 1970
Junior Year
Homeroom 211. Front row: Mr. Harlow Pendleton, Denise Descheneaux, Donna Colapietro, Nancy Cauley, Stephanie Chmielewski, Susan Circosta, Kristine D'Angelo. Row 2: Debra David, Julia Devine, Sandra Cushman, Marsha Coons, Patricia Donovan, Beth Davidson. Row 3: Michael Doe, Mitchell Dante, Todd Cormier, Frederick Doersam, Ralph Donohue, David Carpenter, Steven Corey. Row 4: Jeffrey Crary, Michael DiMonaco, Thomas Churchill, Henry Dickinson, Robert Clark, Lawrence Cooper, Patrick Casey. Not pictured: Jeffrey Burton, Roger Campbell.
Homeroom 212. Front row: Mr. Ronald Sarazin, Linda Gray, Vivian Haskell, Karen Esposito, Deborah Gray, Barbara Ducharme. Row 2: Thomas Gorman, Dale Goddard, Stephen Geoffrion, Steven Gagner, Lois Dusenberry, Deborah Hanson, Donna Fiorentino. Row 3: Armand Gamache, Douglas Goodrich, John Haetinger, Roy Esposito, John Evans, Bruce Duncan, Andrew Farquharson. Row 4: Brian Falk, Mark Hadeler, Richard Grimaldi, David Gallerani, David Farioli, Peter Garafalo. Not pictured: Donald Eddy, Ann Marie Hearn.
Homeroom 213. Front row: Miss Joan Bereswill, Pamela Johnson, Nancy Jenne, Dorothy Keller, Katherine LaBerge, Margaret Izzo, Lynne Kinney. Row 2: Susan Jasinski, Diane LaFave, Ellen Hopkins, Elizabeth Lasek, Allison Lipp, Mary Ann LaLima, Nancy Lavertue, Eileen Jordan. Row 3: Paul Lieberwirth, Carl Larson, John Illig, Bruce Lindwall, Roger Gamache, Patricia Hendrick. Row 4: Dennis Kronenberg, Victor Linden, Paul LaBroad, William Kenyon, Robert Ireland, Edward Lemanski. Not pictured: Edward Kopec, Jean Kelly.
Homeroom 214. Front row: Mrs. Ruth Yetwin, Virginia Martin, Brenda Misitano, Marilyn Medbury, Janet McCarthy, Lee Mazzaferro, Doreen Meyer. Row 2: George Lull, Karen Martin, Pamela Murphy, Catherine Maurer, Lois Melbourne, Jane Mertz. Row 3: Paul McNamara, Richard Mondoux, James Manferdini, Thomas Mineo, Franklin Miorandi, Richard Malmstrom. Row 4: Bruce Moore, Edward McDonough, Richard Maurer, John McGrady, Andrew Malloy, Douglas Milroy. Not pictured: Glenn Kelly, Scott Moore, Marilyn Man, August Maserati.
Homeroom 215. Front row: Miss Judith Sessler, Nola Olmsted, Patricia Olier, Adrienne Myers, Cynthia Page, Linda Redin, Kathleen Price. Row 2: David Radebaugh, Carl Porcelli, Susan Petronino, Priscilla Perusse, Debra Peterson, John Quinn, Channing Orr. Row 3: John Ouellette, Richard Pesto, Bruce Ostrander, Dennis Plante, Gil Paquette, David Owen. Row 4: Stephen Newell, Robert A. Price, Albert Raimondi, Robert M. Price, Enrico Oliveri, Gregory Naylor, Peter Ouellette. Not pictured: Kim O'Brien, Ross Overlock.
Homeroom 216. Front row: Mr. Richard McCormick, Dorothy Stellato, Ann Tesoro, Maria Siano, Cynthia Richards, Jeanne Symmes, Paula Seligman. Row 2: Pamela Stenard, Susan Sullivan, Joanne Rinaldi, Susan Regnier, Nancy Sroka, Nancy Steitz, Patricia Ryan. Row 3: David Sand, Stephen St. Marie, Robert Reis, Charles Taylor, Stanley Sroka, William Scheumann, Mark Simone. Row 4: John Stolecki, Wayne Soffan, Thomas Sullivan, Paul Stilphen, Wayne Scully, Joseph Roy. Not pictured: Pamela Sakakeeny, Charles Powell, Christine Stewart.
Homeroom 217. Front row: Mrs. Fredlee Shore, Jane Viveiros, Regina Truitt, Gail Vagts, Teresa Villamaino, Donna Tranghese, Nancy Yacovone. Row 2: Nancy Vallett, Susan Wolcott, Valarie Weber, Melinda Wheeler, Susan Wicks, Sandra Brennan. Row 3: Deborah LaBorde, Nancy Wrinkle, Anthony Zampiceni, Malcolm White, Kurt Whitney, David Turnberg, Jarl Weyant. Row 4: Richard Willard, Felix Tranghese, James Wilkins, Robert Wenning, Edward Warren, Stephen Viger. Not pictured: John Vigliano, Mark Whyte, Bruce Carriere.
Homeroom 209. Front row: Mr. Richard Stenta, Jane Passburg, Eleanor Ramey. Row 2: Mary Holotka, Suzanne Dreyer. Row 3: William Creighton. Not pictured: Linda Bates, Susan McGill, Linda Mottle.
This shy cheerleader, Jim Wilkins, rallies his class in defense of their honor during the Winter Carnival activities.
Aegis yearbook staff. Front row: Edna Hanson, Christine Boucher, Bonnie Piusz, Judith Repossi, Janet Betterley, Andrea Scott. Row 2: Joanne Vedovelli, Linda Mottle, Cecile Gauthier, Barbara Gorman, Patricia Filipek, Lois Hutchinson, Michelle Meunier, Pamela Nelson. Row 3: Kenneth Moffett, Paul Munzert, Kenneth Behan, Mary Ellen Boyd, Lois Ramey, Eleanor Ramey, Sue McGill, Suzanne Dreyer. Row 4: David Kennedy, Arthur Illig, Bill Creighton, William Meehan, Jonas Robinson, Mark Haley, Mark Lacedonia, Mark Safford, Stephen Broderick. Not pictured: Mr. Richard Stenta (advisor).
"Having embarked upon the ambitious project of producing the finest area yearbook for 900 students, the Aegis '69 personnel encountered challenges equal to their energies. In addition to the traditional qualities, innovations included a 32 page full-color introduction, and artistic divider pages for the 276 page book. Leading the book through the eighteen month, 10,000 dollar journalistic journey were co-editors Christine Boucher and David Kennedy, and advisor Mr. Richard Stenta. The result is an achievement of which all at ELHS may well be proud." Note: This book was awarded a National Scholastic Press Association first place award in national competition. Please click here for the yearbook's introduction.
Spartan Spirit newspaper staff. Front row: James Weigand, Joanne Buendo, Sally King, Christine Kosmas, Phyllis MacDonald. Row 2: Nancy Gold, Sue Abel, Alison Cox, Frances Lorent, Marcia Lynch. Row 3: Sandra Cushman, Nancy Holland, Gail Taylor, Clark Swanson. Not pictured: Mr. Irwin Kerson (advisor).
"Under the new advisorship of Mr. Irwin Kerson, the Spartan Spirit has evolved into one of the best school newspapers in the area. The editorial staff led by senior co-editors Tina Kosmas and Sally King, has initiated many new features in the paper, including the monthly poll, better sports coverage, and controversial editorials written by Jim Weigand and his staff. Other features such as the satirical Rosebud and the addition of the Scholastic Roto have served to create a larger circulation for the Spartan Spirit."
Pegasus literary magazine. Front row: Ann Giallanza, Amelia Ingram, Judith Repossi, Cecile Gauthier. Row 2: Miss Judith Sessler (advisor), Elaine Shea, Priscilla Perusse, Helena Ellsworth, Irene Gauthier, Ellen Jette.
"The school's literary magazine, Pegasus, is published under the supervision of Miss Judith Sessler and a group of ten to fifteen girls whose duties include typing and revision of material. The purpose of the magazine is to encourage creative writing on the part of the student body, in the forms of short stories, poetry, and essays which are submitted and judged. This year Spring and Fall issues were printed, featuring special teacher selections."
"The printed word took on a new form this year at ELHS with the appearance of "IT," a weekly bulletin of school news. In addition to keeping students posted on recent happenings, "IT" announces upcoming events, and applauds the achievements of individuals. Advised by Mr. James Dowd and Mr. Richard Freeburg, the staff assembles a concise and direct bulletin. Spiced with exclamation points and catchy phrases, however, it is more than just a sheet of information. "IT" is great!"
French Club (Le Cercle Francais). Front row: Karen Moodie, Deborah Angers, Nina Lodigiani, Patricia Saunders, Nancy Radebaugh. Row 2: Lee Moffett, Sandra Cushman, Nancy Bryson, Nancy Holland, Sandra Andrews. Row 3: Bill Creighton, Susan Paquette, Jeanne Symmes, Marc Smith, Betsy Barclay, Jane Wrinkle.
French Club (continued). Front row: Mrs. Alma Richards, Patricia Orlando, Donna Tesini, Christine Kosmas, Gail Taylor, Ann Giallanza, Sally King. Row 2: Linda Deming, Jane Viveiros, Janet Betterley, Kerry McRae, Susan Chapdelaine, Susan Carlson, Dennis Plante. Row 3: Judy Douglas, Cecile Gauthier, Edna Hanson, Kathy Shea, Jennifer Campbell, Bev Dion, Jean Bonin, Scott Moore. Not pictured: Sue Abel, Michelle Meunier.
"One of the school's more active language clubs, Le Cercle Francais has also been one of the most active this year. An impressive "soiree," held in February, along with various French plays, movies, and symposia, are only a few of the activites what were undertaken. The club's advisor is Mrs. Alma Richards, and officers include Tina Kosmas, president; Gail Taylor, vice president; Sue Abel, secretary; and Michelle Meunier, treasurer."
Spanish Club. Front row: Judith Repossi, Amelia Ingram, Ann Giallanza, Kathryn Donovan, Miss Margaret Rourke (advisor). Row 2: Mrs. Shirley Wilson (advisor), Steven Corey, Terrance Donovan, Melissa McIntire, Mrs. Fredlee Shore (advisor). Not pictured: Janice Breen.
"A very active group, the Spanish Club initiated a wide variety of projects this year. In addition to regular activities, such as a monthly card party, and Spanish newspaper, the club sponsored movies for the student body and participated in the annual international festival in Springfield."
Latin Club (Gens Togata). Front row: Miss Deborah Fay (advisor), Barbara Foote, Marie Roy, Gail Pallatino, Rosemary Rossi. Row 2: Mary Alice Dolack, Geraldine Spaulding, Tim Lynch, Richard Hollman, Michael Boutin. Not pictured: Bob Hafey.
""Do as the Romans do." Acting on that motto, Gens Togata proved that Latin is one language that is very much alive. The club's activities included participation in Springfield's International Night, and a Saturnalia banquet honoring an ancient Roman tradition. Also, advisor Miss Deborah Fay led the annual "church crawl" to Springfield where the club toured churchees of architectural interest. Serving as officers were Tim Lynch, president; Bob Hafey, vice president; Gail Pattino, secretary; and Mike Boutin, treasurer."
Model Congress. Front row: Mr. Ronald Lech (advisor), Mark Lacedonia (parliamentarian), David Kennedy (vice president), Carol Van Wagner (secretary), Mark Safford (president), James Weigand. Row 2: Eric Lindwall, Paul Proulx, Janet Betterley, Lois Melbourne, J. Glenn Reardon. Not pictured: Sue Jasinski.
Casting their ballots in the Model Congress sponsored mock elections are members Paul Proulx, Lois Melbourne, and Sue Jasinski.
"Through mock participation in the activities of the legislative branch of the government, the members of the Model Congress club learn and practice the political procedures of our nation. Piloted by Mr. Ronald Lech, they attended model congresses at West Springfield High School, American International College, and New Rochelle High School, and sponsored mock elections at ELHS in October."
Debate Club. Front row: Jeffrey Boulrice, Mark Lacedonia, Mark Safford, Mark Willis. Row 2: Mark Dunn, Patricia Behan, Arlene Breau, Paul Proulx, David Thodal, Mr. Charles McKinney (advisor).
"The arts of rhetoric and argument are skillfully blended to form a successful presentation by the members of the debate team. Coach Charles McKinney and his varsity squad of Mark Safford, Mark Lacedonia, Mark Willis, and Jeff Boulrice participated in fourteen league debates and three tournaments at Amherst College and the Universities of Massachusetts and New Hampshire. The team was able to defeat rivals South Hadley and Amherst in the final rounds of the year, and capture the third place trophy for East Longmeadow."
Mathletes Team. Ken D'Angelo, Kim O'Brien, Sue Abel, Gail Taylor, Nancy Gold, Jim Wiegand. Not pictured: Mr. Francis Dutille (advisor).
"The world of formulas and equations is the the world of the Mathletes. With their advisor Mr. Francis Dutille, they meet with squads from twenty other area high schools five times a year. In competition, each contestant is given five thought-provoking problems, and the team's total score is calculated according to the number of problems each student solves."
Future Teachers of America Club. Front row: Jeanne Symmes, Joanne Vedovelli, Lois Hutchinson, Cynthia Richards, Patricia Hendrick. Row 2: Pamela Murphy, Debora LaBorde, Jeri Mercier, Mark Smith, Karen Wenning, Susan Regnier. Not pictured: Patricia Filipek, Mr. Harlow Pendleton (advisor).
The bright, young world of a teacher aide, as Sue Regnier gives meaning to "future teacher" at Mountain View School.
"Promoting activities and programs which enhance a member's knowledge of the teaching profession is the purpose of the Future Teachers. Guided by Mr. Harlow Pendleton, junior and senior members gain practical experience by relinquishing last period studies to serve as teacher aides in the local elementary schools. Also, speakers, discussion periods, and films are scheduled for meetings by Lois Hutchinson, president; Joanne Vedovell, vice president; Patricia Filipek, secretary; and Mark Smith, treasurer."
Audio Visual Club. Front row: Carl Haetinger, Donald Jacobson, Paul Messenger. Row 2: Richard Konenberg, Edward Lemanski, Jeffrey Dida. Not pictured: Mr. Lloyd Dale (advisor), Joseph Marazzi.
"With their knowledge of audiovisual equipment, the members of the A.V. club are always prepared to assist E.L. students and faculty. Advised by Mr. Lloyd Dale, they also meet to enhance their own knowedge in that field. Little new equipment has been added this year, though teachers may now benefit from a selection of sound filmstrips. Also, they work in cooperation with Mrs. Lois Lopes, school librarian, in lending movie projectors and record players to teachers for class use."
Red Cross Club. Front row: Miss Barbara Condron (advisor), Melinda Wheeler, Priscilla Perusse, Maria Siano. Row 2: Jeanne Symmes, Jim Wilkins, James Gilmartin, David Rowland.
"In addition to its annual fund drive, the Red Cross club performs innumerable services for area hospitals and nursing homes. Directing these activities are Miss Barbara Condron, advisor, and president Maria Siano. Decorating the Holyoke Veterans' Club, playing bingo with E.L. Nursing Home patients, and sending aid to disaster areas are a few of their many ventures. Also, they bring the spirit of the holidays to Westover hospital patients and residents of the Northampton Veterans' Home by baking cookies and presenting parties."
Spartan Spirit, Apr. 18, 1969.
Library Aides. Front row: John Gilmartin, Lynette Chavez, Marie Roy, Lori Roberts, Elaine Shea, Beth Lacey. Row 2: Bruce Carriere, Joanne Buendo, Kerry McRae, Linda Williams, Collette Chavez, Gail Van Valkenburg, Elaine Stewart, Ellen Hopkins, Vicky Haskell, Geraldine Spaulding.
"With vast quantities of information at his and her fingertips, the library aide's task is to make that information easily accessible to others. Guided by librarian Mrs. Lois Lopes, the library aides assume such responsibilities as stamping book cards, shelving books, and selling books during the book fairs. Without doubt, the library aides add an air of efficiency to the ELHS library."
Office Aides: Front row: Janet Betterley, Fleda Weyant, Valarie Weber, Barbara Harton, Sherry Flaherty. Row 2: Bonnie Piusz, Gali Van Valkenburg, Ellen O'Neill, Suzanne Dreyer, Carolyn Anderson, Karen Moodie, Diane Harton. Not pictured: Mrs. Agnes Livingstone (advisor).
Efficiency their duty --- office aides Sandra Cushman and Suzanne Dreyer perform their chores.
"The purpose of the office aides is to alleviate the burden of the office secretaries by performing many small, but time-consuming chores. Directed by Mrs. Agnes Livingstone, the girls relinquish study hall hours to carry out their duties. Among their responsibilities are the collecting of attendance slips, the passing out of absentee sheets, and the answering of phone calls. Being an office aide gives a girl the opportunity to learn about office procedures, while making others' jobs easier."
Guidance Office Aides. Front row: Mrs. Margaret McGowan (advisor), Deborah Angers, Barbara Harton, Bonnie Piusz. Row 2: Nancy Bryson, Debbie David, Joanne Rinaldi, Patricia Burr, Bonnie Duley. Not pictured: Donna Anderson.
Of aids human and mechanical: guidance aide Donna Anderson is shown the use and value of a duplicating machine by Miss Rosemarie Gill.
"Because Mrs. McGowan is the only guidance secretary, the guidance aides are of prime importance to the efficiency of the guidance office. Like the office aides, they assume responsibilities that would require more time of the already busy secretary. Some of these tasks are filing and arranging catalogues, delivering appointment notices, and answering the telephone. By working in the guidance office, the aides benefit from the knowledge of, and easy access to the guidance materials."
Ticket for the play "Dino".
Left: Attempting to convince Dino (Jim Wilkins) to join the gang and "run the deal" is Tony (Ken Behan) in the Spotlighters production of "Dino". Right: The power of love --- as a reforming Dino lends a hand to his future belle, Shirley (Cindy Page).
Ski Club. Front row: Bill Creighton, Chris Colman, Lynne Kinney, Linda Feathler, Joanne Alexander, Dale Goddard, Michael Kane. Row 2: Cynthia Sabourin, Nancy Rybacki, Mary DeGray, Ellen Aldrich, Christine McCormick, Patricia Farrell, Peter Garafalo, Mark White. Row 3: Jim Manferdini, Martha Hazen, Sally King, Jayne Anderson, Therese Malone, Nancy Blaisdell, Karen Wenning, Eileen Jordan, James Westberg.
Ski Club (continued). Front row: Rick Pesto, Paul Kinney, Bob Price, Mark Kinney, Paul Munzert, Mr. Gary Bunce (advisor). Row 2: Fleda Weyant, Susan Quimby, Joanne Bergamini, Katherine Evans, Jane Stolecki, Beth Lacey. Row 3: Valarie Weber, Mary Mitchell, Deborah Angers, Nancy Wrinkle, J. Glenn Reardon, Timothy Redin, David Sabourin.
"Spartan ski enthusiasts banded together this year and formed a large and very active ski club. Under the supervision of Mr. Gary Bunce, several trips were scheduled, allowing the snow lovers to schuss the slopes of several different areas. Bill Creighton, president, and Chris Colman, vice president, planned all-day excursions to Otis Ridge, Jiminey Peak, and other local areas, and generated interest among members for a YMCA weekend jaunt to Mr. Ascutney."
Singing Spartans. Front row: Mr. Thomas Clough (advisor), Betsy Barclay, Suzanne Florence, Alison Cox, Rosanne Reis, Martha Heenan. Row 2: Susan Regnier, Susan Garner (secretary), Ellen Hopkins (treasurer), Susan Fleming, Valerie Jamison, Melissa McIntire. Row 3: Carl Haetinger, Brian Falk, John Webber, Jim Wilkins (president), Jim Mayher.
Singing Spartans (continued). Front row: Mr. Thomas Clough (advisor), Marcia Earnshaw, Deborah Parron, Irene Gauthier, Dorothy Goorich, Amelia Ingram. Row 2: Beverly Debour, Janice Debour, Pam Murphy, Pat Donovan, Charlotte Merton. Row 3: Ronald Rennell, Mark Allen, James Gilmartin, Kevin Gilmartin, Richard Hiller.
Singing Spartans (continued). Front row: Mr. Thomas Clough (advisor), Daria Daniele, Nancy Kiernan, Julie Crosier, Anna Dimauro, Janice Winn. Row 2: Rosemary Cangro, Beth Lacey, Regina Bean, Cynthia Panico, Debra Babcock, Lois Melbourne. Row 3: Charles Taylor, Mary Johnson, Nina Nascimbeni, Susan Langevin, Janice Paige, Karalee Shaw, Francis Cooley.
Gestures and expressions from the choral master, Mr. Thomas Clough, guide this co-ed chorus through a Christmas standard as hundreds of parents and students listen appreciatively.
"For the first time at ELHS, the various choral groups of the Music Department have been combined to form a large mixed chorus, the Singing Spartans. Faculty advisor Mr. Thomas Clough leads this vocal organization which, in his words, "enriches the musical life of the school and the community by its performances at assemblies and public functions.""
Spartan Band. Front row: Steve St. Marie, Brenda Misitano, Fleda Weyant, Rebecca Mackintire, Valerie Jamison, Nola Olmsted, Sharon Bode, Jeanne Symmes, Paul Kinney, Mark Kinney, George McGrath, Alvin Roy. Row 2: Bob Ireland, Lynne Kinney, Barbara Gorman, Pamela Nelson, Claire Haggerty, Gail Oakes, Judith Martin, Barbara Darby, Karen Martin, Susan Carlson, Joanne Cangro. Row 3: Robert Roy, Deborah Perron, Kathleen Malloy, Kim O'Brien, Richard Clark, James Westberg, John Corliss, Dennis Plante, David Hansen, Jeffrey Garner. Row 4: David Gee, Suellen Tracy, Nadeen Martin, Holly Martin, Charles Rossi, Robert Driscoll, Mark Hadeler, Allan Phillips, Jarl Weyant. Row 5: Andy Malloy, Bob Reis, Scott Moore, Gus Maserati, David Reese, John Haggerty, Bob Bradley, Gordon Bradley, James Magee, Robert Peirce. Row 6: Conductors Mr. James Harwood and Mr. Joseph Charron. Not pictured: Laura Powers, Robert Lundgren.
Left: Band majorette Lynne Kinney. Right: On the field, sporting the new uniform, is Bob Reis.
Mr. James Harwood conducts the marching band during a home game half-time show. The opposing team's stands are in the background, along with homes on Knollwood Drive.
""New" was the word for the East Longmeadow High School Band, in a season of excellent musical entertainment. The scarlet and black of new uniforms brought color to the marching patterns introduced by Mr. James Harwood. In addition to Spartanum Spectaculum, assemblies, concerts, and the Music Festival, the band performed at the Exposition, marched in several parades, and had a band exchange with Manchester High School. The time and talents of two dedicated teacher-conductors, Mr. Joseph Charron and Mr. James Harwood, made possible this ambitious schedule."
Spartan Spirit, Feb. 14, 1969.
Leaders Club. Front row: Susan Abel, Debbie Sawyer, Frances Lorent, Julianne Sambor, Kristine White, Nancy Sroka, Sharon Bode. Row 2: Miss Jakie Upshaw, Mardel Stranch, Barbara Gorman, Gail Taylor, Edna Hanson, Patricia Filipek, Bonnie Duley, Mary Ellen Boyd.
"Assisting teachers in classes, leading exercises, checking attendance, and demonstrating skills are the concerns of the Leaders Club members. The girls aid their advisor, Miss Jakie Upshaw, in outoor and indoor sports and assist Mrs. Pamela Grazio with swimming and gymnastics classes."
Majorettes. Mary Oliveri, Kris D'Angelo, Carol Whitkop, Sue Sullivan, Jane Wrinkle, Julie Crosier, Miss Barbara Condron (advisor). Not pictured: Karen Esposito. Lynne Kinney served as the band's majorette.
"Precision and simple synchronized movements marked the performance of this year's majorettes. At football games, in place of elaborate routines they attempted to work in harmony with the movements and formations of the band. In competition, however, they were able to display their twirling ability more fully. Under the direction of Miss Barbara Condron, twirling captain Kristine D'Angelo, and band majorette Lynne Kinney, they participated in Spartanum, and worked with the cheerleaders on several bake sales."
Varsity Cheerleaders. Clockwise, from left foreground: Donna Bitzer, Sue Abel, Cynthia Burr, Deborah Angers, Sherry Flaherty (captain), Kathryn Brega, Debbie David, Andrea Scott, Jean Bonin. Not pictured: Miss Doris Knechtel (advisor), Paula Finn, Beverly Stockwell (substitute).
"Spartan Spirit, Let's hear it . . . " the chant begins as cheerleaders Sue Abel and Debbie David smile through a cheer.
"Boosting spirit and demonstrating good sportsmanship are the duties of the varsity cheerleaders. This year, captained by Sherry Flaherty, they promoted enthusiasm not only by cheering at varsity competitions, but also by planning pep rallies and making posters. Under the direction of Miss Doris Knechtel, they spread their talents into new areas this year; they were seen and heard along the sidelines at soccer and baseball games and were present at the Coliseum to cheer for the hockey team."
Junior Varsity Cheerleaders. Mary Ann Viveiros, Jane Duggan, Patricia Teden, Jane Oparowski, Julianne Sambor, Beverly Dion, Gevevieve McDyer, Karen Gardell. Not pictured: Miss Doris Knechtel (advisor), substitutes Gina Trutt, Patricia Burr, and Georgia Emerson.
"Attired in bright red and white, the J.V. cheerleaders added spirit and color to the J.V. basketball contests. Selected in November, the girls, many of whom had no previous cheering experience, perfected the traditional chants in time to perform several new bench cheers for the first December game. The squad, which was dominated by the sophomore class, was captained by junior Beverly Dion and co-captained by sophomore Mary Ann Viveiros. Advisor Miss Doris Knechtel stressed the importance of neatness and good sportsmanship."
National Honor Society. Front row: Mr. John Roan (advisor), Ann Giallanza, Susan Pauly, James Weigand, Christine Boucher, Phyllis MacDonald, Sally King, Joanne Vedovelli. Row 2: Cynthia Burr, Beverly Dion, Debra Campanella, Gail Taylor, Deborah Sawyer, Susan Abel, Lois Ramey, Michelle Meunier, Elaine Shea. Row 3: Clark Swanson, Mark Lacedonia, Bernard Pozzi, Barry Rufenacht, Barbara Gorman, Robert Lundgren, Mark Safford, Sally Benoit, Timothy Thompson, Paula Finn.
"The National Honor Society, advised by Mr. John Roan, continued its tradition of service to the school by providing the co-sponshorship of Spartanum Spectaculum, and offering a tutoring service to the students. Among the group's regular activities was its annual reception in honor of the Christmas season. Serving as officers this year were James Weigand, president; Sally King, vice president; Phyllis MacDonald, treasurer; and Christine Boucher, secretary."
Gail Taylor's National Honor Society induction letter.
Gail Taylor's National Honor Society membership card.
Newspaper clipping for 1969 Spartanum Spectaculum. Marsha Coons, Susan Circosta, and Susan Sullivan are all in our class. Susan Langevin graduated in 1972. Photo courtesy of The Republican newspaper.
1969 Spartanum Spectaculum Program.
A stereo record was made of the 1969 Spartanum Spectaculum acts. This is the album's front cover.
Album's back side --- top middle portion.
Album's back side --- bottom left portion. To hear these tracks, click on the Audio/Video Memories page.
Album's back side ---bottom middle portion.
Dress code from our Student Handbook.
Left: Culinary creativity is a dream shared by Miss Doris Knechtel and her apt student, Beth Davidson. Right: Today: models; tomorrow: reality as Armand Gamache and Henry Dickinson solve the mysteries of design and construction.
Peg Izzo, Victor Linden, and Kathy LaBerge (foreground), and Ed Lemanski and Mary Ann LaLima (background) open their report cards.
Debbie Sawyer, Nancy Birtwell, Bill Creighton, Scott Moore, Gail Taylor, and Jean Bonin.
Yearbook ad titled, "The Junior Girls". Debbie Hanson, Teresa Bagnall, Kathy LaBerge, Dorothy Stellato, Debbie David, Jean Bonin.
"Junior Girls" ad (continued). Nancy Yacovone, Jean Bonin, Sue Regnier, Pam Sakakeeny, Debbie Campanella.
"Junior Girls" ad (continued). Janet Betterley, Allison Lipp.
1969 Junior-Senior Prom program.
Varsity and Junior Varsity Football Teams. Front row: Coaches Mr. Robert Vespaziani, Mr. Daniel Kane, and Mr. Ralph Rinaldi, Jerry Sawyer, Bob Barney, Rick Willard, Todd Cormier, managers Steve Viger, Tim Lynch, and Channing Orr. Row 2: Scott Grabowski, Mark Pozzi, Peter Ouellette, Ken Behan, Tom Mineo, Bill Creighton, Wayne Scully, Rich Mondoux. Row 3: Richard Dion, Charles Maurer, Alfred Santos, Dave Gallerani, Greg Naylor, Bill Anderson, Peter Garafalo, Richard Cormier. Row 4: Allan Phillips, Tom McCabe, Felix Tranghese, Jim Manferdini, John Murphy, Jeff Boulrice, Sebastiano Siano, Mike Keane, John Wrinkle. Row 5: Howie Belliveau, John Haggerty, Bob Willard, Chris Colman, Jeff Crary, Tom Stewart, John Hire, David MacDonald. Not pictured: Tim Thompson.
A rare pose --- all purpose player Bill Creighton watches the action from the sidelines as Jim Manferdini gives the Spartan fans comething to cheer about.
Butting through his opponent is Tim Thompson (18) on a quarterback sneak as Wayne Scully (66) assists on the play and Chris Colman (28) completes his maneuvers.
The target of super-enthusiastic fans . . . a confetti crowned Valarie Weber is applauded for her tolerance.
"Hoping to kick off a winning season, the varsity football team marched into a brick wall of might as it confronted South Hadley in a contest that ended dismally at 32-6. Scampering 30 yards for E.L.'s only touchdown was quarterback Bob Barney. Though E.L. fought well in the Ludlow conflict, the Spartans' fate was decided early in the game as the Lions roared to a 12-0 lead in the first three minutes of play. Jerry Sawyer lit up E.L.'s half of the scoreboard in the second quarter, but the end of the game found the tally resting at 18-6.
"After being crushed 43-0 by Enfield, the Spartans defended their home turf in meeting the attack of the Panthers from Palmer. Barney, in excellent form, scrambled for six, and fired a touchdown pass to Jim Manferdini, while Rich Mondoux booted a field goal. Palmer, however, performed equally well and the game ended at 16-16.
"The Spartan momentum was dampened in a dreary clash with Minnechaug played amid torrential rain. After vowing to Hoyloke Catholic, the Spartan gridmen finally had their day by whipping Commerce 25-6. Chris Colman, Bob Barney, Mark Dunn, and Jim Manferdini all scored for E.L. before hundreds of ecstatic fans.
"The hardest fought battle of the season was the 28-18 loss to Longmeadow as Bob Willard completed a brilliant off-tackle touchdown run, and Rick Dion hauled in a TD pass fired by Barney, while the expert toe of Mondoux split the uprights with a 25 yard field goal. E.L. dropped the final game to Classical, leaving them with a 1-7-1 record. Bob Willard, outstanding on both offense and defense, was the winner of the hatchet and MVP awards."
Dashing out of the pocket is quarterback Jeff Crary (10), with Tom McCabe (15), Tom Mineo (14), and Peter Ouellette (21) blocking.
"In a season highlighted by outstanding offensive and defensive play, the J.V. football team posted a satisfactory 3-3 record. The first game saw South Hadley capitalizing on two Spartan fumbles to dump E.L. 14-8. In the Ludlow game, however, quarterback Jeff Crary sparked the team during a 93 yard drive with passes to Scott Grabowski and Rick Dion to win 8-6.
"The offense continued to roll in the next conflict as Palmer was flattened 12-0 on two quick touchdowns in the the first quarter by Scott Grabowski and Mark Dunn. Superstar Mark Dunn then inspired the Spartans to a 14-6 victory over Minnechaug by scoring both touchdowns. Calling the signals which piloted the squad to victory was alternate quarterback Gary Halon. In the next two games, Hoyloke Catholic and Classical crushed the Spartan hopes for a winning season, evening E.L.'s record to 3-3."
Varsity Soccer Team. Front row: Kenneth Kurowski, David Weferling, John Corliss, Daniel Thomas, Bob Bradley, Frank Miorandi. Row 2: Scott Seymour, Frank Mitchell, Paul Lieberwirth, John Penstock, Peter Benton. Row 3: Donald Ramsay, Jonas Robinson, Ed LeBlanc, Russ Morton, Barry Rufenacht. Row 4: Andy Farquharson, Rich Malmstrom, Jim Mayher, Al Hubbard, Brad Towle. Row 5: Tom O'Brien. Not pictured: Mr. Ralph Cooley (coach), David Griffin.
"After a long series of bitterly contested, close-scoring matches, the varsity soccer team posted a satisfactory 4-6-4 season. In the jamboree, which set the pace for most of the following contests, the team edged past Longmeadow 1-0. After punishing Monson, the Spartans marched back to confront Longmeadow in league competition, but an aroused Lancer eleven tied E.L. 1-1.
"In the next five games, the fierce E.L. squad held its opponents to a meager total of six goals, while evenly matching might with the league-leading Lions from Ludlow in a tough 1-1 decision. The team then proceeded to out-boot Monson again, and give Longmeadow its final whipping, chalking up seven goals in two games. In the closing conflicts of the season, the Spartans tied both Minnechaug and West Springfield in hard-fought battles.
"Sparking the team was MVP John Corliss along with teammates Dan Thomas and Russ Morton, all seniors. Also instrumental in producing the commendable season record were seniors Scott Seymour, Brad Towle, Barry Rufenacht, Tom O'Brien, and Frank Mitchell. Much applauded this year was senior goalie Ed LeBlanc, who frustrated countless scoring attempts. Underclassmen Bob Bradley, Paul Lieberwirth, Frank Miorandi, and Al Hubbard rounded out coach Ralph Cooley's team and will become the nucleus of next season's squad."
Junior Varsity Soccer Team. Front row: Rick Pesto, Andy Byrne, Mark Willis, Leo Hood, Kenneth Butler. Row 2: David Correale, Gary LaFave, Richard Nimmo, Dave Carpenter. Row 3: David Thodal, Robert Serafin, Thomas Kurowski, James Westberg, Ed Kopec. Row 4: Peter Rybacki, Gil Paquette, Daniel Messier, Rick Oliveri. Row 5: Larry Cooper, Steve Fairbanks, Bill Kenyon, Don Jacobson. Not pictured: Mr. Robert Troutman (coach), Curtis Geoffrion, Kenneth Williams.
A shin-splitting collision is imminent as Tom Kurowski moves in. Rick Oliveri crosses over to help against Minnechaug.
"Unable to overcome the formidable opponents on its roster, the J.V. soccer team slumped to a 2-8-4 season. As its record shows, the squad was pitted against several teams of equal strength, resulting in a number of tied scores and a great number of exciting moments. Junior Ed Kopec speared Monson almost single-handedly as he booted all three goals in that contest, which earned us a 3-1 victory.
"Highlighting another battle was the performance of goalie Dave Carpenter, who blocked the Falcons' hopes with several fine saves as the Spartans dumped Minnechaug 2-1. Fighting tenaciously, the squad tied Monson, Longmeadow, Chicopee Comp., and Minnechaug, but failed to taste victory again.
"Offensive notables included Ed Kopec, Ken Williams, Gary LaFave and Steve Fairbanks, while William Kenyon, Larry Cooper, Dave Thodal, and Dave Correale spurred the defense."
Girls' Field Hockey Team. Front row: Miss Jakie Upshaw (coach), Patricia Farrell, Sharon Bode, Nancy Steitz, Rosanne Reis, Edna Hanson. Row 2: Karen Gardell, Pamela Cushman, Patricia Hendrick, Christine Boucher, Mary Ellen Boyd, Bonnie Duley, Genevieve McDyer. Row 3: Julianne Sambor, Diane Passburg, Jane Duggan, Gail Rollins, Carolyn Anderson, Judith Child, Gail Van Valkenburg, Bernadette Downie. Not pictured: Elizabeth Lasek, Joanne Cangro, Georgia Emerson, Carol Van Wagner, Constance King.
Leading the pack --- a rejuvenated field hockey team sweeps the field --- Bernadette Downie (22), Chris Boucher, and Nancy Steitz.
"Close, low-scoring decisions marked the girls' field hockey season, and the skillful Spartanettes grasped nearly every opportunity to smash the winning goal. The opening game of the season found E.L. facing Westfield in a tense conflict which ended in a 2-2 tie, one of the season's three ties. The team challenged Longmeadow and walked away victorious from a 1-0 contest. The girls went on to secure a 2-1 win in a clash with Minnechaug, this being the first victory over this rival in our history.
"Another high point of the season was a 2-0 shutout of West Springfield, while the squad's only defeat came in a tough second game against Longmeadow, in which our archrival turned the tally to their favor, 2-1.
"E.L.'s leading scorers were Nancy Steitz and Mary Ellen Boyd, with fine assists made by Ginny McDyer and Karen Gardell. Defensive skill was displayed by Rosanne Reis, Sharon Bode, and Edna Hanson."
Varsity Basketball Team. Front row: Chris Colman, Bob Lundgren, John Corliss (co-captain), Tim Thompson (co-captain), Mr. William Reagan (coach). Row 2: Dave Gallerani, Greg Naylor, Scott Seymour, Ed LeBlanc, Steve Newell. Row 3: Tim Lynch (manager), Jeff Crary, Bernie Sweeney, Carl Larson, Channing Orr (manager). Not pictured: Paul Lieberwirth.
Eyes set high above the outstretched hand of his Minnechaug foe, Dave hoops one to spark a Spartan rally: a typical Gallerani tactic.
Spartan Spirit, Apr. 18, 1969.
"Ending an eight game losing streak, the varsity basketball team rebounded to win five of its last nine contests. Co-captains Tim Thompson and John Corliss inspired a scoring spree in the first half of the Longmeadow game with the tally at half-time reading 41-25. The second half saw the tournament-winning Lancers displaying their skill as they dumped a suddenly cold-handed Spartan team 64-59. In crushing last place Ludlow, 64-50, Scott Seymour sparkled for E.L., snatching rebounds and hooping 20 points.
"Thus revitalized, the cagers challenged a tournament-bound Minnechaug ream and pulled a 79-63 upset, with Seymour and Bernie Sweney clearing the backboards while Corliss swished 30 points. It was a revenge-minded quintet that invaded Longmeadow for the most thrilling battle of the year. The rebounding of Naylor and Seymour kept the game close. With four seconds showing on the clock, Tim Thompson drove through the Lancer defense to drop in a layup, giving hundreds of exhausted fans a 52-51 triumph.
"After spotting Easthampton to a ten point half-time lead, the determined Reagan-men systematically destroyed the opposition by 20 points, with extraordinary ball handling and shooting by Corliss, Thompson, and Naylor. Junior Greg Naylor then led the Spartans to an easy 87-62 win in the Ludlow tilt. The season ended on the downbeat with a flashy Minnechaug team outplaying our cagers by a 71-60 margin, leaving the varsity cage record at 5-12."
Girls' Basketball Team. Front row: Patricia Farrell, Sharon Bode, Nancy Steitz (co-captain), Rosanne Reis, Edna Hanson, Martha Heenan. Row 2: Pamela Cushman, Patricia Hendrick, Bernadette Downie (manager), Mary Ellen Boyd (co-captain), Bonnie Duley, Kathy Price, Vivian Haskell (manager). Row 3: Mrs. Pamela Grazio (coach), Kathy Malloy, Joanne Young, Patricia Filipek, Jennifer Campbell, Nina Nascimbeni, Alice Ferrero, Dianna LaBonte.
Left: A few choice words from substitute coach Miss Jakie Upshaw. Right: A most aggressive player --- Nancy Steitz pressing her foe in the Spartenettes 33-19 loss to a tall Westfield team.
"In a season that saw fine individual performances, both offensively and defensively, the girls' basketball team posted a fair 4-6 record. The squad dropped its first two contests despite the shooting talent of co-captains Mary Ellen Boyd and Nancy Steitz. In those losing causes Kathy Price dazzled the opponents by firing several "impossible" outside shots.
"At last clicking, the team overpowered West Springfield 37-26, with Nancy Steitz and Pat Farrell popping in several layups, incuding a Steitz backhand layup. Defeated by Longmeadow, Southwick and Somers, the girls found victory in the second clash with West Springfield. Inspired by this conquest, the team downed Longmeadow 28-22, and edged past Southwick 18-17. Spurring the offense were Nancy Steitz, Pat Farrell and Rosanne Reis, while Edna Hanson and Pat Filipek were strong on defense. Several J.V. games were played allowing new players to gain valuable experience."
Varsity Swim Team. Front row: Paul LaBroad, David Smith, Richard Seligman, Michael Creighton, J. Glenn Reardon, Thomas McLaughlin, Kenneth LaBroad, James Montana, Rene Young, Ronald Rennell, Robert Parker, Michael Boutin, Richard Taft, John Hire. Row 2: Rick Willard, Bruce Lindwall, John Dempsey, Geoffrey Weigand, John Ouellette, Robert Dunn, Dale Goddard, Keith Lindner, Chuck Taylor, David Radebaugh, Phillip Towle. Row 3: Jonas Robinson, John Haetinger, Michael O'Melia, Bill Snow, Peter Rybacki, Paul McNamara, Stan Sroka, Jim Bourque, David Owen, Keith David. Row 4: Mark Hadeler, Malcolm Butler, Richard Dion, Donald Hanson, Bob Willard, Mr. Richard Bolles, (coach), Erwin Belorusky, Peter Ouellette, Robert Peirce, John Lewis, Stephen House (manager). Not pictured: Paul Oswald, Mr. Ronald Sarazin (coach).
Left: Triple record holder in the 100, 200, and 400 yard freestyle events, Stan Sroka warms up for post-season competition. Right: A Spartan duo far in the lead on the breaststroke phase of the 200 yard individual medley: Paul McNamara and John Ouellette.
Releasing energy and tension, Chuck Taylor (second from left) explodes off the starting block in the 100 yard freestyle.
A backward move to victory --- John Haetinger in the 200 yard Medley Relay.
Spartan Spirit, Feb. 14, 1969.
Spartan Spirit, Apr. 18, 1969.
"Displaying no loss of power, depth, or style the swim team posted a 12-2 mark while continually rewriting the record book. A 65-30 victory over the Pittsfield team provided the necessary initial proof. After gliding through their next two meets, the mermen were inspired by competition from Holyoke, the New England champions. The aquamen displayed record-breaking form but were overpowered 59-36.
"Back on the victory trail, the Spartans out-churned their next four opponents. The winning streak was snapped by Chicopee in a 50-45 battle that erased the hope for a leauge championship. Regaining form, the mermen whipped the next four opponents with Bill Snow diving to a 140 point season high against West Springfield.
"Performances in post-season meets justified Coach Bolles' pride in his boys as they took third, seventh, and sixth places, respectively in the Western Mass., State, and New England meets. Inspired by the pressures of strong competition, the Spartans made a shambles of the record book. Senior Erwin Belorusky powered the team to success in the Western Mass. Invitationals in the 100 breaststroke. In the State Meet he bettered that record (to 1:06.8) and took first place in the New Englands. Not to be outdone, juniors John Ouellette, in the 200 Individual Medley, and Stanley Sroka in the 100, 200, and 400 freestyle events blazed new marks in the post-season competition. Stan then teamed with Bob Willard, Chuck Taylor, and Peter Ouellette (co-holder of the 50 freestyle record) to slice three seconds off the 400 freestyle relay time at the New Englands."
Girls' Swim Team. Front row: Nancy Rybacki, Jeri Ellen Mercier, Nancy Cauley, Deborah Sawyer, Sally King, Susan Abel. Row 2: Susan Snow, Kathleen Barry, Sandra Albano, Geraldine Spaulding, Nany Kulik, Jane Wrinkle, Kristine White, Vicky Haskell, Kathleen Weisse. Row 3: Mrs. Pamela Grazio (coach), Nancy Birtwell (manager), Marcia Earnshaw, Patricia Behan, Laura Cairns, Carla Ireland, Jennifer Campbell, Martha Hazen, Nancy Saacke, Jane Stolecki, Diane Halon, Debra Campanella (manager). Not pictured: Frances Byron, Nancy Sroka, Kathleen Brown.
Near synchronized turn --- and 25 yards to go in this breaststroke practice session: Carla Ireland, Sandy Albano, and Sue Abel.
A crowd of Spartanettes in and around the Medley Relay. Touching are Jeri Mercier and Diane Halon while Debbie Sawyer and Geri Spaulding take off. Observing are Nancy Sroka, Vivian Haskell, Martha Hazen, and Kathy Brown.
"Churning its way through the most successful season in its history, the girl's swim team turned in a 3-8 record. Although it was lost, the first meet was the most spectacular as the Spartan mermaids windmilled their way to five new school records. Debbie Sawyer brought in a time of 1:26 for the Individual Medley, Jenny Campbell raced to a new time of 1:14.2 in the 110 yard freestyle, Kathy Barry shattered the 50 yard backstroke record, and Sue Abel established a new 42-second record for the 50 yard breaststroke.
"Also, the 200 yard freestyle relay record was reset at 2 minutes, 11 seconds by the team of Jenny Campbell, Nancy Sroka, Sally King, and Debbie Sawyer. The team sank the hopes of Chicopee twice, and defeated Chicopee Comp. once, bringing victories much appreciated and long overdue."
Spartan Spirit, May 23, 1969.
Varsity Hockey Team. Front row: Russ Morton, Daniel Thomas, Rich Mondoux, Matt D'Amato, Bob Manning, David MacDonald, Dave Griffin. Row 2: Mr. Paul Tarsa (coach), Brad Towle, John Lasek, Michael Grigely, Leo Hood, Alan Hubbard, Mr. William Whiles (assistant coach). Row 3: Steven McHugh, Bob Barney, Barry Rufenacht, Howie Belliveau. Not pictured: Todd Cormier, Bob Bradley.
Left: Rich Mondoux (lower right) handles the puck during a varsity hockey game. The Spartans had a fabulous year, winning the Wright-Fay Championship with 12 wins and two losses. Rich led the Wright-Fay Division for most points during the season, scoring 46 points in 14 games! Photo courtesy of Rich Mondoux. Right: Defenseman Barry Rufenacht recovering after giving it his all.
Spartan Spirit, Feb. 14, 1969.
Article in Apr. 18, 1969 issue of the Spartan Spirit.
Rich Mondoux's school jacket with a patch honoring ELHS for being the Wright-Fay champions for the 1968-69 season. Photo courtesy of Rich Mondoux.
"Backed by 200 screaming fans, the E.L. hockey team ripped into its "Big Season" by whipping Agawam 5-3. The pucksters then met Longmeadow in a tight conflict that was deadlocked until the third period when a Lancer-scored goal set the tally at 1-0.
"The E.L. hockey machine then chewed up its next nine opponents. In the Palmer game, Dave Griffin and Rich Mondoux each scored hat tricks while leading their team to a 10-2 victory, with Mondoux repeating that feat in the 6-1 victory over Trade.
"In other contests the Tarsa-men outclassed Chicopee and Commerce and delivered Hoyoke a bare-knuckled 13-1 beating. The Spartans were not expecting an easy victory over Longmeadow, and only the flashy goaltending of sophomore Matt D'Amato, the brilliant defense of Barry Rufenacht, and the goals of Russ Morton and Danny Thomas gave E.L. a 2-0 win, and a secure first place in the Wright-Fay Division.
"Riding behind a five goal performance by Mondoux, the hungry Spartans iced a win over Agawam, then romped over Palmer led by Mondoux, Morton, "the M and M boys," and Thomas, the highest scoring front line in the league with 109 points. The overconfident pucksters were then upset by Chicopee Comp., but swept Holyoke and Commerce off the ice to clinch the title.
"In tournament play, the Spartans tangled with a hot Chicopee team and lost 3-2, ending a season of brilliant play and phenomenal spirit with inspiration provided by an army of loyal fans."
Varsity Baseball Team. Front row: John Corliss, Bob Barney, Wayne Scully, Paul Lieberwirth, Mr. John Katsoulis (coach). Row 2: Danny Thomas, Scott Seymour, Ned DeGray, Jerry Sawyer, Steve Newell, Kurt Whitney. Row 3: Channing Orr (manager), Tom Mineo, David Correale, Michael Keane, Michael Beaulieu, Paul Messenger (manager).
Crouched in anticipation, Steven Newell challenges the Enfield batter . . . and waits.
Loosening up that powerful swing, mighty Tom Mineo displays the form that made him the terror of the local diamonds.
Left: Dropping a dribbler down the first-base line is Paul Lieberwirth in the 4-1 victory over Enfield. Right: Tracking the incoming missile, Kurt Whitney whips the lumber around against Minnechaug.
"Returning veterans and talented rookies combined forces this year to post a praiseworthy 11-7 record for the varsity baseball team. In the season opener with Longmeadow, fine hitting by Dan Thomas and Mike Beaulieu could not overcome the weak fielding and miscues as the Spartans were pummeled 12-3. A 5-4 edging of Commerce highlighted by Beaulieu's five inning, no-hot pitching started the Katsoulismen on a winning spree. In the course of these seven games, the E.L. diamondmen outscored their rivals 44 to 16, including two shutouts over Easthampton and Agawam.
"During the next five games the Spartans could produce but one win, losing three of the four games by one run. This trend was halted by a trio of heroes in the Palmer game: the 5 for 8 hitting of Thomas and Seymour produced six runs which were more than enough when coupled with Ned DeGray's no-hit masterpiece. But the rest of the team slapped the opposition with an insulting nine additional runs. The team played .500 ball for the remainder of the season.
"When a team scores 107 runs in an 18 game season, hitting kudos must go to a hard-hitting team. Outstanding offensive power was supplied by Bob Barney (who also played a flawless two years behind the plate), Scott Seymour, Dan Thomas, Tom Mineo, John Corliss, Jerry Sawyer, Steve Newell, and Mike Beaulieu. Sharing MVP honors were Dan Thomas and John Corliss. These versatile diamondmen joined RBI record holder Tom Mineo on the all-league team."
Girls' Softball Team. Front row: Gail VanValkenburg, Lori Roberts, Sharon Bode, Mary DeGray, Patricia Farrell, Kathleen Malloy, Lorraine Rennell, Elizabeth Newell, Pamela Cushman. Row 2: Kathleen Brown, Patricia Hendrick, Vicky Haskell, Christa McCormick, Miss Jakie Upshaw (coach), Edna Hanson, Nancy Steitz, Joanne Young, Jacqueline Aiken, Judith Douglas. Not pictured: Maureen Booth.
Glue-fingers fields a sun-high pop-up --- Nancy Steitz.
Leaning into one against West Springfield is Vivian Haskell.
"It was the kind of season that could best be termed an exercise season for the girls' softball team. The girls, though playing intensely, and sometimes well, always lost. Their spirit (and errors) proved no match for the competitions' booming bats, with many of the contests' results resembling football scores.
"Cases in point were furnished by the games against Longmeadow where our girls were on the short end of a 14-13 nip-and-tuck battle. The second time around, the Spartanettes received a drubbing to the tune of 38-7 from their archrivals. The girls also took beatings from Chicopee, West Springfield, and Minnechaug. But as the last game ended, the girls were heard shouting a vengeful, "Wait till next year!"
Varsity Tennis Team. Mr. Alexander Nickett (coach), Edward Fleming, Jeffrey Wadsworth, Lee Wallace, Andy Farquharson, Dave Sabourin, Paul Lamarche. Not pictured: David Hansen.
Left: In a ten-foot high racket-swishing arc, Andy Farquharson aces one. Right: Serve power-MVP Dave Sabourin in the kind of form that won him local plaudits.
"Placing seventh in their league, the enthusiastic and spirited Spartan tennis team finished the season with a record of two wins and fourteen losses. Although hindered by a lack of experience and tough competition, the team's performance was commendable with all of its members winning matches.
"In the first weeks of the season, the team suffered losses to Agawam, Cathedral, Longmeadow, Classical, Amherst, Minnechaug, and Palmer. The first taste of victory was over Tech, with Sabourin, Lamarche, Farquharson and the Wallace-Wadsworth team scoring points for the 4-1 win. After defeats by the seven leaders in the second round, the netmen finished the season with a heartening 4-1 victory again over Tech.
"With a 7-9 record to his credit, Dave Sabourin received the team's MVP award. The other members of the team were singlesmen Paul Lamarche and Andy Farquharson and doubles team Lee Wallace and Jeff Wadsworth, and David Hansen and E. J. Fleming."
Varsity and Junior Varsity Golf Team. Front row: Mr. Preston Jones (coach), Don Hutchison, Rob Lundgren, Tim Thompson, Brad Towle, Mr. Eugene Gauthier (coach). Row 2: John DeAngelo, Michael Grigely, Mark Simone, Jeff Boulrice, Joe DeAngelo. Row 3: Tommy Thompson, Rich Malmstrom, Greg Naylor, John Lasek. Not pictured: John Dempsey, Rick Maurer, Barry Tuck.
Complete concentration enables Greg Naylor to sink the putt.
"This year the Spartan golf team compiled an impressive 11-5 record against tough competition and tied with the Ludlow Lions for the third place in the Valley Wheel. An opening defeat at the hands of Longmeadow gave the Spartans the incentive to come back and win a dual match against Ludlow and Enfield. A 10-8 victory over Minnechaug was then followed by losses to the clubmen from South Hadley and Ludlow.
"In later matches, the E.L. golfers crushed Palmer but lost twice to an undefeated Agawam team. During the course of subsequent Minnechaug and Southwick games, both Joe DeAngelo and Brad Towle shot record-tying 73s. Enfield next fell victim to the linksmen and the school record was once more shaken, this time by Greg Naylor. In the last and grandest match of the season, archrival Longmeadow was completely outclassed by our golfers for only the second time in E.L. history. All six Spartans broke 80 in this crowning triumph.
"Tim Thompson, Rob Lundgren, and Greg Naylor turned in fine performances while representing ELHS in the Western Mass. Individual's Tournament. Greg Naylor received the golf team's MVP award this year. The J.V. team fared extremely well during the season with a sparkling 5-0 record."
Varsity Track Team Seniors. Front Row: Ed LeBlanc, John Lewis, Mark Lacedonia, Chris Colman, Bob Willard, Erwin Belorusky, John Haggerty. Row 2: Michael Rourke, Bernard Pozzi, Robert Paige, John Wrinkle, Kenny Roy, John Stratos, Frank Mitchell, Mr. Frank Dutille (coach).
Varsity Track Team Underclassmen. Front Row: James Montana, Daniel Lawson, Michael O'Melia, Tom McDonough, Stephen Smith, Mark Pozzi, Rick Villamaino, Mark Hammond, Michael Shubert. Row 2: Steve Viger (manager), Gil Paquette, Bill Creighton, Rick Willard, Bruce Moore, Felix Tranghese, John Haetinger, Stan Sroka, Larry Bradley, Paul LaBroad, Mark McCandlish. Row 3: Larry Cooper, Peter Ouellette, Ed "Chip" McDonough; Bruce Ostrander, Jeff Crary, Carl Larson, Victor Linden, Kim O'Brien, Robert Hafey, Kevin Lightcap, Richard Dion. Not pictured: Brian Lavertue, Phillip Towle, Steven Wescott.
Left: Showing All-Western-Mass. form, Jeff Crary hurdles the timbers in the 120. Right: Mighty mite Larry Bradley jumps his height against Classical.
"The 1969 season saw the Spartan track team compile an imposing 11-1 record, losing only to Minnechaug. This was the year for record-smashing performances by several cinderman. Bob Willard set the shot put mark at 49'6" and pole-vaulted 11'6". Senior Mark Lacedonia burned the mile cicruit in a record 4:37.3 while fellow speedster Jeff Crary topped the timbers at 15.2 in the high hurdles, and at 20.2 in the 180 low hurdles. These feats earned him a share of the MVP honors. Co-winner was a 110 yard dash man, Chris Colman. Another point grabber was John Stratos in the javelin. Also, the "Frito Bandito" led the team in morale-building serenades.
"Since special meets determine track championships, the pressure was on the high-flying Spartans one rainy day at Palmer. The revenge-minded team, overshadowed by Minnechaug all season, broke open the Valley Wheel Meet when Jeff Crary and Peter Ouellette took first and second places in both the high and low hurdles for 16 big points. Top honors also went to Mark Lacedonia in the 2-mile (10.18.8), Chris Colman in the 100-yard dash (10.5), and Bob Willard in the pole vault (11 feet). In all, E.L. snagged the Wheel championship with 45 points, to 36 for second place Minnechaug.
"One week later, the Spartans took the Class A Western Mass. Championship at Springfield College. Outpointing their closest competitor Amherst 43 1/2 to 39, the Dutilleman were led by Willard, Crary, and Ouellette. In April, at the Steele Relays, these last two had combined with Bruce Ostrander and Paul LaBroad to set a new meet record of 59.1 in the 480 low hurdles.
"Double wins by Crary and Willard led the Spartans to a third championship in the West Springfield Invitationals on June 3 to round out a trophyful season. These championship honors belong to the entire team, to the fine coaching staff, and to a very proud school."
Springfield Union newspaper, May. 4, 1969.
Spartan Spirit, May 23, 1969.
Springfield Union newspaper, May 25, 1969.
Springfield Union newspaper, Jun. 1, 1969.
Springfield Union newspaper, Jun. 4, 1969.
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