East Longmeadow High School
Class of 1970
Pleasant View School
Some of us went to Pleasant View School on North Main St. for first and second grades. The school day was 9 a.m to 3 p.m.


Name, current location or * year passed away (click on name for life tribute)
Please contact us with updates.
Mr. Edward H. Sheldon* 2001
Mr. Ovide R. Carmel* 1998
Mrs. Patricia Campbell, location/status unknown
Second Grade
Miss Carolyn Blossom* 2024
Miss Barbara A. Fitzgerald* 2004
Mrs. Eleanor MacMullen* 1964

Mrs. Campbell

Please contact us if you were in this class. Names we've received so far: Marilyn Man, Cynthia Margozzi, Linda Mottle, Debra Peterson, Mark Simone.
Mrs. Harrington

Please contact us if you were in this class. Names we've received so far: Susan Circosta, Marsha Coons, Carol DuBois, Barbara Ducharme, Paul Duquette, Edward Warren.

Miss Slowinski in 1948 (high school graduation photo); Miss Clough in 1957 (college graduation photo).
Article in Springfield Union newspaper, Sep. 20, 1958.
This Sep. 27, 1958 article, in the Springfield Union newspaper, describes the school savings program in which we could participate. The four schools mentioned are Center, Pleasant View, Mapleshade, and Birchland Park Schools, the only schools in East Longmeadow at this time.
Dave Farioli's card from the 1957-1958 school year. He joined our class in 1958.
Miss Blossom
Miss Blossom in 1956 (college graduation photo) and later in life.
Lynn Belliveau, Charles Boudrias, Nancy Bryson, Stephanie Chmielewski, Beverly Dion, John Dlugos, Barbara Ducharme, Paul Duquette, Karen Gagliarducci, David Gallerani, Donna Gaudenzi, Carol Gerow, Dianne Hobbs, Douglas Keith, Katherine LaBerge, Edward Lemanski, Allison Lipp, Timothy Lynch, David McCallum, Franklin Miorandi, Jean Montana, Robert Parker, Susan Petronino, Robert A. Price, Susan Regnier, Joanne Rinaldi, Eugene Shaw, Marc Smith, Susan Waterman, Deborah Williams.

Patricia Berard, Andrea Burger, David Carpenter, Susan Circosta, Kathleen Docherty, Frederick Doersam, Lois Dusenberry, Christopher Edwards, Nancy Galvin, Daniel Gamache, James Gilmartin, Marilyn Gour, Richard Grimaldi, Nancy Holland, William Kenyon, Diane LaFave, Derek Larsen, Cynthia MacDonald, Richard Malmstrom, Earl McKenzie, Linda Mottle, David Owen, Nancy Pleu, Marion Renzi, Joanne Russo, David Sand, Richard Shaw, Maria Siano, Paul Stilphen, Felix Tranghese, Melinda Wheeler.
Miss Fitzgerald
Miss Fitzgerald in 1954 (college graduation photo) and in 1964.
Kathleen Allen, Ellen Bonneville, Koby Borodkin, Debra Campanella, Danny Danio, Valerie Davis, Suzanne Dreyer, Robert Drumheller, John Evans, Linda Farrell, Grace Garcia, Gary Girouard, Susan Hatch, Valerie Jimenez, John Keane, Lynelle Larsen, Paul Lieberwirth, Bruce Lindwall, Cynthia Margozzi, August Maserati, Thomas Mineo, Kathryn Pedersen, Eleanor Ramey, Ronald Rennell, Margaret Rohr, Paul Saunders, Mark Simone, Stephen Tesini, Ann Tesoro, Edward Warren, Ellen Zimmerman.
Miss Holland

Linda Bates, Jon Botta, Laura Bradley, Janice Breen, Karen Carpenter, Julia Devine, Michael Dimonaco, Carol DuBois, Bruce Duncan, Deborah Foster, Steven Gagner, Constance Garvey, Eddie Goguen, Patricia Hendrick, Pamela Johnson, Clifford Keeney, Carl Larson, Elizabeth Lasek, William Lowe, Candice Marino, Richard Maurer, John Miner, Debra Peterson, Linda Redin, Gilbert Roy, Michele Roy, Wayne Scully, William Stark, Jonathan Tooher, Nancy Vallett, Malcolm White.
Mrs. Steele
Mrs. Steele in the mid-1980s.
Karen Albright, Paul Battige, Nancy Blaisdell, Marlene Cabana, Marsha Coons, Todd Cormier, Ralph Donohue, Bernadette Downie, Linda Erwin, Roy Esposito, Deborah Gamble, Stephen Geoffrion, Mark Hadeler, Andrea Hastings, Janice Holuk, Dennis Kronenberg, Mary Ann LaLima, Victor Linden, Marilyn Man, Stephen Mascaro, John McLane, Nola Olmsted, John Perella, Thomas Pratte, Kathleen Price, Daniel Ryland, Alfred Santos, Kenneth Sheret, Joan Stack, Clark Swanson, John Vigliano, Susan White.
Susan Circosta Mancinone remembers, "In Mrs. Munro's class she used to bring in magic tricks because her husband was a magician. I remember the big black hat, wand, and the rabbit. I wonder if anyone else can recall that?"
Ed Warren also remembers Mrs. Munro doing magic tricks: "She would tap the hat three times with the wand and something always popped out."
Chris Edwards recalls, "Mrs. Munro would dance an irish jig if the class had perfect attendance for the day."
Debbie Campanella Hansch remembers the May Day celebration in first grade. Paul Duquette was the designated leader of the Bunny Hop, but he fell ill and Debbie was called on to fill in for him at the last minute. She mentions, "I had no idea at the time that the Bunny Hop was going to be my Fifteen Minutes of Fame. If I had known, I would have hopped with more enthusiasm!"
Susan Circosta Mancinone says, "Debbie's recollection of the bunny hop jogged my memory; I remember doing that in Mrs. Munro's class also. I also remember that the teachers used to whack the back of your hand with a ruler when you misbehaved at Pleasant View; can you imagine if they did that today?" Marilyn Gour also recalls seeing this happen to students who got in trouble.
Ed Warren remembers he was ill quite a bit in second grade. Miss Fitzgerald allowed him to take a nap in the back of the class whenever he felt tired!
Cynthia Margozzi remembers her first grade teacher, Mrs. Campbell: "I have always given Mrs. Campbell credit whenever anyone compliments my handwriting...because I am a "lefty"...and she showed me how to turn the paper the other way so I could write in the correct way. She did other wonderful things too, that made school very exciting and interesting."
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We love adding memorabilia to this page. Please contact us if you have a photo or item of interest from Pleasant View School you'd enjoy sharing.