Our dear classmate Steve Mascaro, who was in our class from first through eighth grades, passed away on Mar. 3, 2007. He attended Cathedral High School in ninth grade, then rejoined our class in tenth grade for a short time, before withdrawing from school.
Here are excerpts from his obituary, which appeared in the Palm Beach Post newspaper, West Palm Beach, FL:
Stephen J. Mascaro, 54, born in Springfield, MA and a resident of Boynton Beach, FL for twenty-five years, passed away on Saturday, Mar. 3, 2007.
He was the beloved son of Joseph and Theresa Mascaro, and beloved nephew of Marie and Richard Michaels and Celine LaRose and numerous cousins. He was a beloved member of the Secular Franciscan Order.
Those desiring may make contributions to the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill, 1520 Tenth Ave., Suite 1, Lakeworth, FL 33460.
Steve in December 1963, during sixth grade, with his parents, Mrs. Theresa and Mr. Joseph Mascaro. Photo courtesy of Marie Michaels.
Steve in January 2007 in a rehabilitation facility in Florida. Photo courtesy of Marie Michaels.
Steve's headstone in Hillcrest Memorial Park Cemetery, West Palm Beach, FL. S.F.O. stands for Secular Franciscan Order.
To see other tributes, click on the "Life Tributes" link to the left and then on the page of interest.
Kim O'Brien
The Mascaro's ran a flower shop in Springfield near the X I believe. I got to spend time with Steve in Northampton State Hospital. Steve was always a happy soul at least most of the time. If one was never sad. One could never know happiness. When his family moved to Florida Steve followed. I also remember Steve as being an artistic person. I think he played guitar or drums and painted. We use to have a lot of fun up there in Northampton State. However most will never understand that given the very drab reality of a state mental hospital now closed forever.